Saturday, September 1, 2018

Product Review: Simply Veiled "Simply Zaynab" Flap Niqab!

Assalaamu alaikum! Sorry for the lull in posts but I've been dealing with health stuff as I'm now halfway through my intensive physical therapy program, alhamdulillah!

Now on to the review!

I was skeptical about the flap niqab. While I like to veil my eyes to help with my light sensitivity, the flap niqab, or makeup niqab as it's also called, seemed more like an intrusion. Indeed, it's designed to cover the eyes more fully, and is used to hide makeup by some sisters, hence it's nickname. I was also concerned whether or not I would like its ascetic on me; while I wear niqab, I don't subscribe to the belief system that all beauty should be veiled or hidden and that we should dress in such a way which is plain or even ugly. To quote my friend Tuscany, they are "like bloop."

So how did I find it?

Not bad! Yes, sometimes it can be "like bloop," and definitely I have to wear eyeliner more with a flap niqab or my eyes seem to disappear entirely, but I actually like how it covers more while being effortless!

Example of the niqab being more "bloop."

What is also nice is you are able to change the level of coverage provided by shifting the flap up or down. It can even flip up to be hidden with a headband if you don't want the flap that day, or just flip it up without securing it for driving and other activities!

The flap can be pulled forward/down to cover the eyes.

One thing I noticed about wearing flap niqab for the first time, is it's a lot like wearing glasses for the first time: you have to get used to being able to see objects, in this case fabric, in your close peripheral. This can make your eyes hurt and cause a slight headache the first few times you wear it, but bi'idhnillahi you adjust and get used to it, alhamdulillah, and the headache goes away.

Now, let's review this specific niqab! Like other niqabs, flap niqabs come in both one layer and multi-layer, and there are even some websites which sell just stand-alone flaps so you can convert your existing one-layer niqabs and half niqabs into flap niqabs. The Zaynab is a shorter three-layer niqab, as shown below, and has a similar composition as my Tasnim collection niqab, where the veil layers are connected.
The veil layers, as you can slightly see in the picture, goes about to my waist or hips. The front of the niqab goes half-way down my torso, which is a lot shorter than most other niqabs I have purchased. The eye opening is also less wide than the openings in my other niqabs, which makes it more difficult for glasses wearers to use this niqab. 

The ideal person for this niqab would be someone petite. I'm not sure how tall or petite Iman, the owner of Simply Veiled, is, but the way the niqab is made leads me to believe she is about my size. Even the ties are shorter, to the point that I cannot create a full bow when tying the niqab. For reference, I am about the size of a 12-14 year old girl and wear childrens' hats, headbands, and glasses generally.

The niqab itself is well made, with the same fabric used by Sunnah Style, and one could easily get around the issues mentioned above. Eye openings can be widened (check out my review of my niqab from Misk of Jannah here) and the niqab can be secured using pins or by lengthening the ties. So if you aren't child sized, don't fret - you can still wear this niqab, in shaa Allah! You just may have to put a tiny bit more work in first. Which isn't much of an issue, especially when you consider the price! At just $15.99, this is the most affordable three layer niqab I've ever purchased. 

Veil layers are connected rather than sewn separately.
The reason these niqabs are so affordable is that Iman is trying to phase them out of production and no longer wishes to make and sell niqabs. As such, she is currently working on selling the stock of niqabs she still has. All of her niqabs are also available in multiple colors.

So if you are interested in trying out a flap niqab, or if you want to support a Muslimah business in the US, check out Iman's shop!

To purchase this niqab, go here.

Jazakum Allahu kheiran!


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