Monday, September 26, 2016

Chai and Chocolate

Welcome to Chai and Chocolate! This is not my first blog, but, for the life of me, I can't recall what my old one was. So, to the beginning we go!

So, why chai and chocolate? When I think of chai, I think of curling up outside with any number of theology or religious books, wearing a comfy sweater and a warm hijab. I think of warmth, peace, but with a nice kick. When I think of chocolate, I think of summer s'mores, or winter's hot chocolate in front of a fire, sweet, yet with a dark depth and a measure of bitterness. The flavors of these two things are wonderfully complex, which is what I hope you will find on this blog.

To introduce myself, I'm Paige but I will probably sign as Sajida, which is part of my Muslim name (the first part being Rivka, from my Hebrew name). I'm a Jewish revert to Islam, hold a Baccalaureate in Comparative Theology with a minor in Social Anthropology, I currently am pursuing my Masters of Theology at a Christian Seminary, and I consider myself a Queer, Feminist Theologian with major Orthodox leanings. My Islamic theology looks to be a mix of Salafism and Sufism, and my ideas are out-of-the-box when it comes to Queer application of theology within Islam and Abrahamic religions as a whole.

I'm 24 (as of now), married to a Viking, polyamorous and dating a Firefighter/Marine, guardian of a 17-year-old whom I will refer to as "my kid" (but who is technically my brother), and fur mama to a sweetheart pittie pup who has seizures (alhamdullilah not since we got her on meds!).

Like I said: Complex.

So make up some chai and settle down. Let's see what we have to talk about. :)