Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Product Reviews!: Al-Moultazimoun Jilbab Makkah II and Gerard Cosmetics' HYDRA-MATTE Liquid Lipstick in Knight Rider


Assalaamu alaikum everyone! Hope this day is treating you well!

Yesterday alhamdullilah I received my packages from Al-Moultazimoun in France and Gerard Cosmetics! It was a happy thing since I was stuck in class on Halloween. :(

So first I'll review the Jilbab Makkah II. The version I ordered was with nidha fabric (which I absolutely love! Insha'Allah I will do a product review of my very first nidha abaya soon) in the color "burgundy-fig." Here's the review video:

So, downsides:

This jilbab is not meant for tiny girls. Al-Moultazimoun's website lists the size range from 1m60 to 1m73, which equates to 5'3" to 5'7". As such, the skirt was much too long for me. Additionally, the elastic waistband itself was too loose. I have to roll the waistband of the skirt 3-4 times to make the skirt short enough that I don't trip on it. Luckily my best friend and several other people in my life are handy with sewing machines (which I am decidedly NOT), so insha'Allah someone will be able to take it in and hem it for me. Also, the headband means that if you have a small head you either need to deal with the jilbab slipping back throughout the day or you will need to alter the headband, since Al-Moultazimoun does not utilize tie-back headbands. The thumbholes in the sleeves are also a little stiff, but they get more comfortable as you wear them, I think.

Al-Moultazimoun utilizes Colissimo for mail both within and outside of France. The website, while you can translate your shipping info into English, German, and a couple other languages, is completely in French. This makes things difficult if you are trying to request a status update. The FAQ state that international mail should expect 3-8 day delivery (luckily I can read SOME French!). However, it took me about 14 days to receive it, with a significant gap (about a week) between when the shipping info listed it as leaving France and when it was received in customs. However, I received it very quickly once it had been logged in customs (2-3 days).

I also don't remember what shipping was for me, but a sister in Canada said she couldn't order as shipping to Canada was $50 Canadian Dollars.

You can see how big the gap is in this.

The upsides:

As said in the video, I chose this jilbab due to its unique shape. The khimar is cut in such a way that the front and back actually come to a kind of scoop or point instead of going straight across like many jilabib appear to do. This means it drapes very beautifully! In fact, this is probably my favorite jilbab when it comes to draping, the second one being the jilbab Jiza II from Nabira. The cut combined with the nidha fabric made it seem like the skirt and the top were one piece, it was so fluid and pretty!

Nidha fabric itself is very light weight and a favorite for places like KSA and UAE. I wore a nidha abaya pretty much all summer once I got it because it kept me cooler than wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. While microfiber is nice and comfortable, I don't think anything can really compare to the luxurious feel of nidha and the coolness you get from wearing it in the heat.

You can purchase the Jilbab Makkah II nida (and other wonderful products, including men's clothes, children's clothes, and Arabic education items) here: https://www.almoultazimoun.com/en/two-piece-jilbab/2574-jilbab-makkah-2-nida.html

Here is the video for Gerard Cosmetics HYDRA-MATTE liquid lipstick in Knight Rider:

I received this lipstick very quickly, less than a week. It was on sale 20% off and free shipping when I purchased it. Wallahi I only have good things to say about this lipstick! I will say I encourage you to use a lip primer prior to applying the lipstick, as it may not apply evenly otherwise, but once it is dried, it stays on FOR GOOD. I wore effectively ONE application of this ALL day. I ate a giant freaking cupcake, and no lipstick got on it. Barely any got on my coffee cup. I dabbed my lips after eating lunch, barely anything came off. This video is after 9.5 hours of wear! 

Gerard Cosmetics offers this lipstick in 26 shades, of which Knight Rider is the darkest. It's a very very dark purple. You can buy it (and their other products!) here: https://www.gerardcosmetics.com/hydra-matte-liquid-lipstick.html 

Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed!! Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to review!

Jazak'Allah khairan (yes I'm trying to spell that more correctly. ;) )

Here is me in my Niqabi Kitty Halloween outfit!

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