Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Product Review: Al-Moultazimoun "Jumpsuit Softness"

Picture from Al-Moultazimoun
Assalaamu alaikum!

Today I'm reviewing the above item from Al-Moultazimoun. I've included the photo from their website for reference since my video a) can't show the entire outfit because I'm so short and b) to show what I perceived myself to be ordering, which was an abaya. This listing is in the women's abayat section. The above picture, and others on the website, give no indication that the product is actually "pantajupe" or palazzo-type pants. However, the item is named "Jumpsuit Softness." I assumed this was a translation mistake either by the company or Google and that it was describing an abaya made of sweatshirt/sweatpants-like soft, comfortable material which is very warm and fall/winter appropriate as well. Unfortunately, this was actually a jumpsuit, which I find extremely impractical, but I will elaborate more after the video.

So, I want to apologize about the poor quality of the video, but daylight savings took away an hour of daylight after work for me, and I already held off about a week on this review because I wanted to wear it in cooler weather as I thought it would be warm, so if I didn't do it today, it likely would get pushed off for a very long time. So, then, onto the review... 

As I said above, this was actually a jumpsuit, which was very disappointing to me. It is very inconvenient to have to unzip and pretty much take off your entire outfit in order to use the restroom. It also makes the aadaab of how to use the restroom a bit more difficult. The second most disappointing thing was that it wasn't made of sweatshirt/sweatpants material and wasn't extremely warm. The material is more of a thin-ish, spring/autumn fabric. That being said, the fabric is VERY soft and comfortable. If it were an abaya instead of a jumpsuit, I wouldn't really have much to say in the way of negatives. 

Also disappointing was that the excellent stitching I saw on my jilbab and that other blogs have said you can expect from Al-Moultazimoun was a bit lacking. I found two very long strings of stitching thread coming out of the waist area, one on the outside and a longer one on the inside. 

Other than that, it's basically just my usual qualms of things being very large on me due to my being the size of a child... Jumpsuits also tend to look awkward unless you are tall and thin, at least from what I have seen, so It just doesn't look fantastic on me, in my opinion. 

So, before, I was thinking of turning it into an abaya, but that would mean awkward center seams, so now I'm thinking of altering it into a pair of wide-leg slacks and a bolero. If I don't end up doing that, I might donate it, but I'm hesitant to donate a jumpsuit to anyone given just how impractical they are. 

Feel free to weigh in if you have an idea on what I should do!

JazakAllah khair!

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