Thursday, May 17, 2018

#GRWM - Pakistani Style!

Assalaamu alaikum everyone! My apologies for this going up a couple days late - as I'm sure you all were doing, I was preparing for Ramadan, and then yesterday I fasted plus had doctors appointments, etc.


Today's Get Ready With Me is Pakistani style, in honor of my largely Pakistani local community (looking at all of my Aunties except my Khala). <3

So, the shalwar suit featured in the video was a gift from a Pakistani Auntie who owned a clothing store. It consists of the orange shalwar, a inner liner which can also be used as a plain kameez (as in the beginning of the video), the kameez itself, and the dupatta, shown in the picture above. Cream and orange don't always work well with my skin - I tend to look sickly because it brings out more of my olive tones while also making me look very very pale. So I gave it to my friend Azrah, pictured above. Check out her blog at!

For a long time I wondered how my Khala did her niqab in the masjid. I saw other Desi Aunties doing it as well, but could never get it to work for me. Finally I realized whenever I see my Khala do it, her hair is down or a very low bun (she doesn't have long hair like me)! This must be how the other Aunties do it as well, because this is the only way I've gotten it to work. 😅 The style requires you to have you ears showing at first, which is something I've seen other Desi sisters do just with the hijab or dupatta in order to help keep it in place, or as habit.

First take your dupatta or scarf and place it over your head, with one short side and one long side. 

Tuck the scarf behind your ears.

Take the long side and, keeping it tucked behind your ear, draw it across your face. 

Bring the scarf around the back of your head (as you can see, my hair is NOT in a bun)

Take the extra fabric near your ear and cover your ear with it. (This is optional but I prefer to cover my ears.

Tuck the end of the scarf into the side, next to your ear.

So there we have it! A quick and easy niqab style seen casually in many Desi communities! While it doesn't work for fancier events, it works well in the masjid in order to cover the face when walking through common space or past the men's area. 

Ramadan Mubarak to all of my lovely friends and family within my community, and thank you SO MUCH for your support and inspiration and love. May Allah ta'ala bless you and reward you generously and accept all of your ibada during this holy month. Ameen!

Jazakum Allahu Kheiran

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