Saturday, October 1, 2016

Product Review: Sadika Fashions Niqabs

Asalaamu alaikum, all! And Happy New Year/L'Shana Tovah!

Alhamdullilah I was able to go outside and do some video reviews today. The one I want to highlight right now is the review of my niqabs from Sadika Fashions. Sadika is a US brand, based out of Philadelphia, PA. The sisters who run this shop make the niqabs themselves, allahumma barik lahum. The two that I have are both good quality Saudi crepe and alhamdullilah very breathable. (Little anecdote, my friend Cas in Texas ordered some cheap niqabs online and almost passed out at work! Alhamdullilah she bought from Sadika Fashions three niqabs that night and hasn't had an issue since!)

So here is what I'm talking about with the eye holes on my new, more casual niqab:

As you can see, the side on the left is about an inch longer than the side on the right. Also, the string divider is very short.

I shortened the long side, matching it up and stitching over the previous stitches to keep it from being noticeable. I also used a seam ripper to open the headband and pull the string down to make it longer, stitched that back in, and realigned the string as it had a 1 cm diagonal shift. After these quick fixes (maybe 20 minutes), I was left with the above, which I am SUPER happy with! I think that it was just a fluke, not really anything to worry the sisters at Sadika about when I could fix it easily. Plus my first niqab from them had absolutely no issues.

Inshallah I will order from them again. Right now, I am waiting on a niqab from Austria so inshallah it arrives soon and I can review it for you lovelies!

Thanks for checking me out! Asalaamu alaikum! <3


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