Monday, March 20, 2017

Deen Talk! Islam and Mental Health - Part Two: Depression

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Assalaamu alaikum everyone. This was a really tough one for me to film and even harder for me to write about, because it hits so very close to home. Honestly I'm not sure what to write, and this may be short due to that. I've lived with depression most of my life and still struggle with it at times even on medication. It's something that isn't talked about in society, not just in the Ummah. 

What needs to be realized is that mental health is just as serious as physical health. 

I think this cartoon is a perfect example of how ridiculous the things said to people with depression and other mental health issues are. Depression isn't just sadness, and it can't just be shrugged off - it's something which is carried with the person, always, even while being treated. 

This post isn't going to be anything about how people should try harder to get better... because that's asinine. What I will say is that we need to drop the stigma which prevents people from going on medication. We need to drop the idea that mental health issues aren't "real" health issues and therefore don't count on the list of health problems precluding someone from fasting (if meds need to be taken at certain times of the day, etc.). We need to open up conversations to include how things affect those in the Ummah who have depression, how things need to be discussed and talked about, and be candid on the matter of mental health instead of shying away and further ostracizing the people who carry Jihad in their hearts and minds every day as they battle in silence. 

What has helped me to have more productive days: Make niyyah to pray Fajr and Asr. 

I try to do my best to help people, in shaa Allah. But when it comes to depression and suicide, sometimes people get to a point where nothing matters, because we see ourselves as so inherently bad that anyone telling us otherwise makes no difference. At these times, when people are out of things to hold on to in order to keep them afloat, perhaps then remembrance of the consequences from Allah subhana w ta'ala will be the rope that they hold on to.  A sister, in one of her dark moments, had the presence of mind to send me this Hadith, subhan'Allah w bihawmdihi:

In shaa Allah this video and blog has helped someone. Please know you are in my 'adiyah and I am here to lend an ear if you need one. Feel free to contact me here, on IG, YouTube, Facebook, however you know to get ahold of me. If you are contemplating self-harm or suicide, please call 1-800-273-TALK

Jazakum Allahu kheiran.


Product Review: Al-Moultazimoun CUSTOM Jilbab

Me in my custom sarouel.

Assalaamu alaikum!

Like many short and petite women out there, I KNOW the struggle that is finding clothing that fits! Even when it comes to abayat and jilabib, which are supposed to be "one size," I have the issue of products being too large and too long. But, alhamdulillah, I have a solution (other than buying childrens' jilabib)!

I previously have reviewed items from Al-Moultazimoun, a French company which makes and sells Islamic clothing. I ordered a gorgeous jilbab from them, only to find out that I needed to roll the waistband in order to shorten the skirt AND keep it from falling down. Other alterations were made to make the headband portion small enough for me and to take in the face section. But, while waiting for my jilbab, I found something magical... they do custom orders! The customs section isn't very well advertised on the website, which could have been due to significant changes being made on the website recently. However, the items DO exist and are a wonderful thing for other small women like me!

Al-Moultazimoun gives two options; you can create a one piece jilbab or a two piece jilbab, depending on your preference.

These items are HUGELY customizable! I'll use the two piece to show the full range of options available:

  • Colors: Different colors can be chosen for the khimar, bottom, headband, and sleeves; all colors in stock are available - just comment in the available section what you want!
  • Khimar options: You can choose easy-to-tie, lycra headband, elastic, or velcro. 
  • Sleeve options: You can choose from tight sleeves, "mini-wrists", lycra mittens (thumb holes), and sleeves with pleats. 
  • Bottom options: You can choose between skirt and sarouel. 
  • Pocket options: You can choose to have pockets on the khimar, bottoms, or both. 
Khimar pockets are straight across, not diagonal.
  • Embroidery: Al-Moultazimoun will embroider your name or whatever word you wish on your jilbab! Options are on the sleeve, on the bottom of the khimar, on the bottom of the skirt, or inside on the headband. Please note they can only currently do "Latin" script and cannot do Arabic. This can be done in the color of your choice.
My Muslim name embroidered on the bottom right of the khimar in pink.
  • Accents: Shown in the pictures on the website are some crystal-like accent buttons. These can be requested. 
At the bottom of the ordering page there are several boxes in which to input information for your order. The sisters at Al-Moultazimoun are also very good about responding! Please note that some requests cannot be accommodated on custom orders - only basic requests, no special requests like leatherette pocket borders, etc. 

My review: 

I absolutely love my custom two-piece I ordered and it fits wonderfully! The skirt actually fits perfect and the pockets on the skirt and khimar are good sized, not small like in western clothing. Even the face area was made smaller for me, alhamdulillah, since I included in my size information that I would fit the "teen" jilabib. My order took longer than expected, but the sisters at Al-Moultazimoun were very quick to respond when I asked why (my order had been stopped by - I'm assuming French - customs). When I did receive my order, I found that they had included a second khimar in black nidha fabric in addition to my two-piece and separate sarouel I had ordered - my assumption is that this was to make up for the delay. My only qualm with my order is that microfiber is EXTREMELY static and dust/fur attractive, so especially now that we have moved and our new house has carpet, I feel like I'm constantly covered in dog fur (Kylee is mostly white so it REALLY shows up). So if anyone knows a fix for this, the knowledge would be much appreciated! 

Over all, extremely EXTREMELY happy with this order! I highly recommend to ALL sisters, but ESPECIALLY sisters who are "child-sized," to order a custom jilbab or two! 

Jazakum Allahu kheiran!
