Monday, November 14, 2016

God is Like a Cup of Tea

Asalaamu alaikum!

So, reading that title, I'm sure you are a bit confused. "How is God like a cup of tea? Aren't we supposed to avoid comparing God to earthly things?"

Well, ya got me there. What I meant isn't really that God is like a cup of tea. Rather, God is holding  the cup of tea. And the cup of tea? That's you.

Think about carrying a cup of tea (or coffee, or hot chocolate...). If it isn't filled up all of the way and your walk is stable, you can quickly move forward without having to worry about your grip on the handle of the cup. You are sure of yourself and know you won't spill it. You don't worry you'll burn yourself.

Now think about carrying a cup of tea (or whatever hot liquid as above) that is filled to the brim. Perhaps it's even not filled that high. But imagine having to walk slowly in order to watch the cup and prevent spilling the liquid or splashing yourself. You have to hold on tighter to the cup.

Imagine that you are the cup of tea, and God is the hand holding the cup of tea. God is still there for those who are sure in their Imaan, He is still present. But maybe their Imaan is lower even though they are so sure of themselves. Maybe it isn't, but they still don't rely as much on God for stability. However, for those who struggle and stumble with their Imaan, even if it is low or high, God holds a tighter grip on you; your Jihad is all the more beautiful to Him and will be rewarded.

We can see this in the following Hadith:

"Verily the one who recites the Quran beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of noble and obedient angels. As for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its Verses, then he will have TWICE that reward." Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Just a little thought. I haven't gotten to post some reviews I wanted to in the past couple of weeks due to... obvious reasons if you know what its going on in America.

Insha'Allah, I will be posting more reviews and also some more theological writings. I just thought of this one today and wanted to share, as many are struggling right now.

JazakAllah khair.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I cover too and primarily for mental health/anxiety reasons. Secondarily, for religious (to protect my Crown Chakra from negative energies). I have an Interfaith Newsletter that I put out every month. I would like to invite you to share your writings with us.
    You can email them to me at


