Monday, October 17, 2016

Product Review: ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color

Asalaamu alaikum!

So, I really love painting my nails. When I was in the military it felt like I could never really have them painted so once I got out, I kept my nails painted as much as possible. However, upon reverting to Islam, I had to stop painting them except for while on my period, which many sisters can relate to. However, a few companies have come out with halal (water permeable) nail polish! For them to be halal, they have to allow water to reach the nail/nail bed.

Here's a North American fatwa on nail polish:

So, obviously, I was super excited. I've been waiting around to get some, because for a while no one was sure if it was really halal. However, several scholars have come forward and said that various brands are halal and many many bloggers and reviewers have tested the various brands.

When I was looking at brands, the first one that comes up (usually), is Tuesday in Love. However, from my understanding, these polishes are water permeable (a sister tested them and let me know), but they are also peel-off, which I've never been a fan of, not even when I was nine and peelable nail polish was (for some reason) all the rage.

The fatwa above gives information about O2M by Inglot. They have a LOT of colors but base, color, and top coat all run $16-$17 a bottle. Another brand is Maya. This brand has less of a color range, but they all come with cute names, many of which can be related back to Islam, and they have a glitter top coat! However, their polish is about $14 a bottle. Both of these brands, however, have halal certifications.

ORLY just recently launched their breathable polish, and let me say I was very very excited when I heard about it! The polish itself is a combination of color and nail treatment, with vitamins and argon oil to help strengthen your nails and make them healthier (my nails are constantly breaking and I have bad ridges). Further, there is NO NEED for a base or top coat! This cuts painting time down significantly. However, ORLY has not yet received its halal certification, from my understanding (I'm in communication with someone at ORLY to see if we can get an update on this). But, since the polish is available at ulta, I went to the store and got some - for $9 a bottle! (Actually, ulta was running a sale when I got mine, BOGO 50% off!)

So, as you can see above (please excuse the coffee-stained counter!), the polish IS water permeable, to a great extent, actually! It looks like you may not even have to do the "rub for 10 seconds" step, but I was just following what Maya recommended for their products (keep in mind, theirs has base and top coat as well). This was actually the second test, as my original video wouldn't save for some weird reason. 

Now, on the product itself: 

I really love how this polish applied. The brush is wide and flat, which I prefer, because I can cover my entire nail in one or two swipes. (Last night when I painted mine, I just didn't care so honestly my nails are a mess right now.) It's quick drying. The polish itself feels different when you touch it after it's dried. I can't really explain it, but it just feels different from normal polish. 

Like I said, I was going to bed so I REALLY didn't care! lol

Colors I got: sparkly red, burgundy purple, magenta, light grey

The only real downside with this brand is they don't have a black polish, so I will have to purchase from a more expensive brand to get that. But so far I'm really liking the purply burgundy color they are calling "The Antidote" and it should match my new jilbab which I should be receiving soon and then reviewing, insha'Allah! 

So there you have it! AFFORDABLE halal nail polish, sold in a relatively wide-spread specialty make-up store in the US. Insha'Allah they receive their official certification soon, but for now I'm going to say, based on the fatwa given above and my test, that it's safe!

(UPDATE: I have been informed by Orly that they have received their UK certification!)

Asalaamu alaikum w jazak'Allah kyr!


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